Why do we need them?

Scientists say that we need to protect at least 30% of our global oceans within well-connected networks of highly protected marine sanctuaries, by 2030. 


  • Conserving biodiversity, ecosystem integrity and function

  • Protecting threatened species

  • Replenishment of fish populations

  • Increased resilience to the impacts of climate change

  • Providing scientific reference sites

  • Conserving special places for future generations

Did you know?

In 2004, when the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was rezoned, one third of it was protected as a network of marine sanctuaries and this became the gold standard for marine protection globally.

Twenty years on, coral trout populations remain strong, even though the species is one of the most heavily targeted fish for both recreational and commercial fishers on the reef.

In NSW, research has shown that snapper are responding in a similar way to the coral trout with greater abundance in marine sanctuaries. A robust network of sanctuary zones extending across the coast would enhance snapper populations in NSW.