A united voice for NSW’s treasured marine environment.
The NSW Marine Sanctuary Alliance represents community groups, marine scientists, tour operators, divers, swimmers, snorkelers, fishers and leading NGOs who share a love for the ocean and its inhabitants. The Alliance is deeply concerned about the future of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network in NSW, particularly that most important and sensitive part of the network, our Marine Sanctuaries. Marine Sanctuaries, places receiving the highest level of protection, provide an essential refuge for a vibrant mix of temperate and tropical marine life from the Tweed River to the Victorian border.
Why is NSW’s marine environment so unique and worthy of greater protection?
The cool temperate waters from the Southern Ocean mix with the warm tropical waters of the Coral Sea, resulting in an array of temperate and tropical marine species, many of which are found nowhere else on the planet. From unique coral habitats in the north to luscious kelp forests down south, the New South Wales marine environment is amazingly biodiverse and made up of some of the most unique and wonderful creatures on the planet.
Our coastal communities depend on flourishing marine life not just for economic gain and food security, but for the invaluable benefit of the air we breathe and our overall health and enjoyment.
Why is our
marine life
under threat?
The rapid decline of our treasured marine underwater life is due to a number of threats, such as historical overfishing, runaway climate change and coastal development and runoff.
Sadly, NSW Government policy since 2011 has eroded protections for marine life and habitats, putting our unique marine life in danger, but now we are hopeful that cuts to marine protection will be reversed, if the community continues to come together with a united voice for positive change. The New South Wales Sanctuary Alliance was formed to lead the way in reversing this worrying trend of cuts to marine protection and to advocate for the increase and expansion of sanctuary zones and aquatic reserves across all bioregions of the NSW marine environment.
Why are we calling for sanctuary zones to be at the beating heart of government marine policy?
Marine Sanctuaries are the only part of the NSW marine environment that protect habitats and biodiversity to a degree that is comparable to terrestrial National Parks or Nature Reserves.
Marine Sanctuaries only represent 7.4% of NSW waters, far lower than the 30% minimum that marine science tells us is required for a healthy marine environment. Marine Sanctuaries are the greatest form of marine protection which support the rehabilitation and ongoing health of marine ecosystems – making them one of the best ‘nature positive’ solutions on offer.